Since 1930… Technology of the Heat Exchange
SCAM Srl has been working in the field of thermics since its foundation in Turin, back in May 1930. It was initially established as the Italian Branch of an important international industrial and financial group.
Through the years it has taken the utmost from the very advanced technology related to Thermotechnics.
At the beginning of the year 1980 the Company become independent and totally Italian.
During all this time SCAM, by earning prestige and trust among all its best customers, in Italy and abroad, expanded its activities by the most important supplying equipment to Thermal Power Plants and supplying military Navy, for domestic and international shipyards, as well as Italian and foreign industries in various areas such as petrochemical, electrical, mechanic, manufacturing fields.
The growing and long success SCAM has been enjoying so far is witnessed by the constant development and refinement of our business structure and by our long list of customers. Among them there are the most important and outstanding names of public and private Italian and foreign industries, which SCAM proudly include in its references list.
SCAM can proudly boast many years of experience in the studying, planning and implementing its manufacturing line.
Our history of reliability, in numbers
Years of activity
Our clients over the years

Quality and technology always up to date
Since its founding, SCAM has worked with over 250 companies all over the world
Innovations and news from SCAM
Future Energy Asia 17-19 May 2023
Future Energy Asia (FEA) is Asia's leading energy transition and transformation exhibition and summit, taking place in-person at Queen [...]
HyVolution 2023! The must-attend event for the hydrogen industry
Hyvolution Summit, the trade show of experts dedicated to hydrogen, is an international congress which brings together leading French and [...]